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Celtic Energy - Domestic Energy Assessor -DEA North Wales in Colwyn Bay, Conwy

Celtic Energy - Domestic Energy Assessor -DEA North Wales


Category : Business & Professional Services
Address : 40 Sunningdale Ave
Colwyn Bay
LL29 6DF
Telephone : 01492 536374
Fax :
Website :

enegy rating

Welcome to Celtic Energy Assessors EPC and HIP Providers

Based in North Wales, we aim to make the process of obtaining a Home Information Pack or a Energy Performance Certificate as straightforward and economic as possible.

Book today.....

Home Information Pack (HIP) from only £275.

Energy Assessment (EPC) from only £75.

The Energy Peformance Certificate rates a homes energy efficiency from A-G (with A being the most efficient rating). The certificate also offers advice on how to save energy around the home. If advice is followed the householders can often cut their energy costs by up to £300 per year.

For the first time all house buyers will have clear advice on the energy rating and running costs of a property.

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