the directory for our mini community

Cor Meibion Colwyn in Old Colwyn, Conwy

Cor Meibion Colwyn


Category : Arts & Crafts
Address : 204 Llysfaen Road
Old Colwyn
LL29 9HS
Telephone : (01492) 517272
Fax :
Website :

choir members

Welcome to the Côr Meibion Colwyn web site. Here you will find information about the choir including our long history, performance schedule, our music, our day out with the Two Fat Ladies, membership & support, booking information and contact details. We also produce a regular news bulletin which is now available by e-mail.

We hope that you will enjoy your visit, and if you have any comments to make about this site or the choir in general, please let us know as we would very much like to hear from you…

Livetech were pleased to ber a ble to support this North Wales choir.

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part of the Livetech Group celebrating 10 years service
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